LOL....tough to answer those questions, eh, "nad? Too painful to explain
away those lies, eh, Lelnad? Tough for you to explain why you had to
forge me several hundred times in the body of your posts,,,wait a
second,,you were trying to "BUG" me....LMAO! In fact,, everything you
have "tried" with me has illustrated what a magnificent failure you have, continue on and make me your topic,, as it is great
pain for you to confront your malice and campaign of hate. So far, in
only 2 days, KC8LDO, N3CVJ, and Frank Gillinad have made claims and
accusations,,,,,,with no proof. I illustrate your own lies by posting
your own contradictions..I don't need to forge you, Lelnad, as you have
done myself. I need not lie about Davie Hall, his posts show his own
lies. I need not falsely accuse Frankiestein of anythimg as he claims I
have done, but for some reason, is unable to provide headers or a post
backing his claims,,,much in the manner you have been breakig your very
large ass to find a way in which to "bug;re impotent,
Lelnad, Grow up, and you possibly may find yourself not wallowing in
self-pity because of self-loathing. Your ego may not recover, but its
never too late to redeem yourself and liberate yourself from feelings of
no self-worth and inadequacy..