August 28th 03, 09:44 AM
In ,
(Twistedhed the Professional Housewife) wrote:
If you;re going to continue to publicy use the cb group to have your
fun with the other two swine, you're going to have to back your claims
as well.
Do you mean I have to back up my claims like -you- do? ROTFLMMFAO!!!!
You're nobody special. You accused me of threatening you,
posting your phone number, and claiming you were a chid
molester,,,,,post it.
I already have. Many times. So did you pick the name "Twistedhed" because you
used to wear a beehive hairdoo?
Well, you can't see, Frank,,you're lying again.
And truth is your friend, right? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Wonder if there is any connection between the false accusations by
yourself, KC8LDO and N3CVJ?
Did you ever notice that you can't seem to get along with any regulars in this
newsgroup except for Hypocrite Landshark? Did you ever wonder why that is,
Twisty? Well, I'll tell ya -- it's because anyone that has read your posts for
any length of time knows that you are a lying troll.
I mean, all three of you claimed things and
can't produce anything to back your claims except to whine, cry, and
bitch about me....LOL...like lids do.
Who do you think I am -this- week, Twist?
You accused me of all kinds of things,,,KC8LDO felt so low he needed
present his forge of me again..it makes him feel better (sshhhh! Don't
remind him the forge exists nowhere in any internet archive and only in
the body of his post) about his low self-esteem. And Davie,,well, My
gosh, who would have thought we had one right in our own midst? He
shouldn't make claims and deliberate lies he can not provide for.
"Twisty's obsession continues", said the announcer as the few remaining people
in the audience picked up their coats and moved towards the door.
this be a lesson to the three of you dogs..you can either get past
yourselves, or cry and **** and moan about 'ol Twist for the rest of
your pathetic lives..of course, you three can always threaten me some
more,,,,how many is that now for each of you? I've lost count. I'm quite
used to y'alls impotency and public displays of incompetence.
Nag, nag, nag. One of these days your hubby is going to come home early from
work, and won't -he- get a suprise when he walks past the computer and sees what
you do all day while he's busy earning a living. He'll get a bigger suprise when
he catches you in bed with the neighbor, but that's another story.....
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