Thread: Indoor antenna
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Old August 31st 03, 05:05 PM
Earl Johnston
Posts: n/a

On 31 Aug 2003 02:15:06 GMT, (BruceB1836) wrote:

I was thinking about trying one of those indoor dipole antenna's. Has anyyone
tried doing this before and what kind of results did you get? Any thought or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps because my house is tall, ( roof ridgeline where I mounted the
dipole is about 35 feet above ground ) I got reasonably good results
with an indoor dipole. I tried it both horizontal and inverted V
configuration with similar results.

I got even better results from an indoor 1/4 wave verical groundplane
antenna I built from a SO239 fitting and 5 pieces of 9 foot long wire.
I'm lucky to have a 10 foor high attic where I could set it up. Total
cost about $3.00.

I would try the dipole. They are cheap and will certainly give you
better performance than the magmount on the cookie sheet.

The only problem with messing with antennae, is that it can be the
"thin edge of the wedge". I started with a dipole in the attic. I
now have a Solarcon A99 on a mast 45 feet AGL, and am looking at
building a Beam.

Good Luck