Should I buy ssb?
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September 2nd 03, 11:27 AM
[email protected]
Posts: n/a
Joe wrote:
Joe wrote:
So now that I understand ssb to some extent, I figured
I would buy a new unit with it. I assume the high
end unidens had it. Now I see they don't, but that's ok
because I can buy a different brand, or I see that some
grants are still available. My question is, why did
uniden stop making ssb units? Is ssb worth looking
around for, or should I skip it and just get an am
Dunno if anyone else has mentioned this but SSB is
really only used above channel 35.
Why is that?
Sort of a gentleman's agreement, ssb and am don't get along very
well. One will plug the other's receive.
Back in the day of 23 channel radios, we only used channel 16
for ssb.
GO #40
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