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Old September 3rd 03, 03:28 PM
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From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
Look! Davie-son, N3CVJ! Just because YOU posted in this group that YOU
get off listening
to children talk about sex by illegally monitoring their private
cordless telephone calls on your scanner, and that YOU have a twistedhed
obsession, deosn not make me a child. If I was a child, I'd call the
cops, 'cause it's a good bet you aren't allowed near them, let alone
talk to them.
From: Twistedhed )
Subject: Palomar 225 amp, lo =3D 30 watts out, med =3D 50, and high =3D=

Date: 2002-11-25 13:45:21 PST
Making inquiries of another man's underwear, shooting cbers, and insults
about molesting children (such a matter is NO joke and one who would use
such a topic as their choice of insult and flame troll bait is a scurvy
degenerate) isn't exactly conducive to hammie radio.
Exactly,,only it's NO joke,,Davie-son really admitted to such
bahavior,,,,,did you miss it, Frankiestein? Need to see it again? O,
wait a second, youre still tripping over your hairlipped lie looking for
that post you claimed I said the same thing about you in,,,,,,still
waiting, Frankie,,,you mean you lied? Again?

"I have admitted to lying in this ng n more than one occasion." Frank
Gilliland )
BTW,,,what happened to that Vancouver feed? Ah never mind,,,,one thing
at a time,,,,,now, about those RF pirates that you claimed affected your
daily work...