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Old September 3rd 03, 10:23 PM
Steve Phillips
Posts: n/a

That's the catch, ain't it? I don't find myself using SSB
much, as I'm almost always mobile. Other drivers don't
seem to use sideband for some reason. Still, it's there
when I want/need it
My brother-in-law and I use SSB
when we run into each other around town. It's much
easier to talk to him across town on sideband rather than
AM. Less noise, more efficient, more power...
Alan Strawinski

I use SSB exclusively unless I need to talk to a trucker on the highway.

I live about 40 minutes outside the city. During the morning commute there
are a few mobiles and usually one base on 27.395 LSB. We chat on the way to

This would not be possible on AM as it is only useful over short distances.

You will want a good antenna as well. The Valor Half-Breed is a very good
inexpensive antenna.

If you want to spend more money you can buy a Wilson 1000 but in my
experience it is not better. I have owned both and still have the

My tech told me that the Wilson coils are know to arc if you are running
power. I didn't believe him until my amp died a week later.

I sold the Wilson and bought the Half-Breed.

I now run a Solarcon Quad Rod because of the wide bandwidth.
