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Old September 5th 03, 12:04 AM
George Is Innocent
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(Frank=A0Gilliland) wrote:
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip more excuses
Ok, it's obvious that you really don't have such
a good relationship with your friend Truth,
so I won't push the issue. Too bad -- you
might have pulled up some -real- dirt on me
instead of your random speculations (i.e, lies).
Or you might have signed me up for a few
dozen magazine subscriptions. Just think of all
the fun you could have had knowing my true

Frank he may at one time had passing
acquaintance with the truth, but TW
no longer cares about truth in any form.
Simply because he can make the truth
anything he wants it to be. If he wants
to say you are N7VCF one day and W1AW
the next, both will be "true" in his mind.

Likewise, he says he talks to "saucer
men" or collects "jock straps", or fancies
himself a captain, or that Riley H. told
him freebanding was OK --it's all
"true" to him because he lives in a
fantasy world. If his fantasy becomes
invonvenient, he just changes it
to suit the situation, e.g. instead of
having himself to blame for his
poor social skills, it's Dave Hall
and Leland's fault for conducting a huge
conspiracy under the direction of
"the Voob" LOL.