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Old September 5th 03, 02:59 AM
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jim wrote:

Dave Hall wrote:

Landshark wrote:

"Brainbuster" wrote in message

While firmly installed on Georgina's hand,
Socko "George Is Innocent" wrote...

No similar complaints about the voobie websites?

You mean the one that refers to me as a Brummy M&S van driver...
rather like Voob and George do?
You know, if I did protest to that, It would be said that I protest
too much. It would be assumed, by the "antis", that my protests were
proof that the suggestions on the page were real.

Whoever put up the site with nude george
and voobsie pics is not as bad?

So, they really are pictures of the infamous duo... cool. How did
someone get hold of nude pictures of them?

Strange how, when that site seems to be systematically working it's
way through the newsgroup regulars, none of whom are whining about it,
the one page you whine about is the one with "George" on it.

Hey, Mr "innocent"...
Methinks thou doth protest too much.


So what is the moral to this story? If someone puts up a web site about
you that isn't true, should you:

A. Deny the accusations, and then be accused of "protesting too much",
thereby lending some implied credibility to the accusers?

B. Ignore it, and then have it implied that it must be true since no
one ever denied it?

A real catch 22 if I ever saw one.


C. laugh at ones self and not worry about it.

D. Rock on.

opening night. j e t s