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Old September 20th 03, 01:46 AM
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"Curious Dan" wrote:
I guess George posted this since it is from AOL.

No, you ain't smart enuff to think that up.
"GeorgeSparkyVoob" wrote in message

The whole story, up to now..

(Knock at the door) Aaron opens door wearing his skimpiest thong

Aaron: Hi Sparky! How are you!

Sparky: I'm good Aaron. Is dinner ready?

Aaron: Almost. In the meantime, you can snack on me, but we need to
before George gets here.

Sparkyscreaming) Aaron! Will you shut up with the advances! I already

you I've started to like women now! Now leave me alone!

Aaron: OK, OK! I just thought we could be like the old days again.

Sparky: No, I'm really going to stick it out this time.

Aaron: (sniffling) Ok Sparky, have it your way. I'll respect your

Sparky: Where's George? Do we have to wait for him to eat?

Aaron: Yes, he's bringing the salad.

Sparky: OK. Got any snacks?

Aaron: I think so, let me check.

(knock at the door)Aaron answers the door.

Aaronexclaiming) George! My God! What happened to you?

Georgecrying) I was just out minding my own business, following this

girl, and all the sudden, wham! Her Dad must have seen me and punched

I had
just asked if she wanted some candy too. I think I could have had her.

Then the
Dad pulled out of the window of my Pacer, and beat me some more. I

dislocated my shoulder too.

Sparky: Can we eat now?

Aaron: Sparky, can't you see George is hurt? Go get one of the steaks
George's black eyes. And while you're in the kitchen Sparky, get some

his broken nose and busted lip too.

Sparky: OK, but I ain't eating the steak that you use on George's eyes!

Aaron: OK, whatever!

(Sparky spends fully 5 minutes trying to figure out which steak is the
smallest, so he can have the biggest.then finally he returns)

Aaron: God Sparky! Why did you take a bite out of it? It's raw, for


Sparkyunintelligible mumbling caused by mouthful of raw steak)

Aarongrabs steak from Sparky and applies it to George's eyes) There
now George. Is that better? Aaron knows how to make you feel better,


George: Yes Aaron, it's much better now. Thanks, you know I bruise

Aaron: Hey Sparky, light the grill.

Sparky: Hey, those steaks ain't half bad raw! Do we really need to cook


Aaron: My God Sparky! Sometimes you act like a Neanderthal! Light the

(Sparky goes out back, turns on the gas, clicks the igniter repeatedly,

happens. Goes back inside for matches and returns)

Aaronjust as Sparky lights the match) NO! STOP!

(loud explosion)

Sparky: (screaming) I'm on fire! Somebody help me!

(Sparky runs back through the house with his beard on fire, screaming

Aaron and George race behind him with teacups filled with water)

Finally, Aaron and George manage to catch Sparky and beat out the fire
in Sparky's beard with the teacups.

Sparky: Thanks guys! That was close! I saw my life flash before my

Aaron: No prob Sparky. You know we love you.

George: Speak for yourself, Aaron! Faggot!

Sparky: Can we eat now?

George: Well, we could if you hadn't blown up the grill!

Aaron: It's OK Sparky. We'll just grill the steaks on the stove.

Sparky: I don't wanna wait! I'm getting dizzy. My cholesterol must have

below 300.

George: Here, drink this.

Sparky: What is it?

George: Bacon drippings. It will bring the cholesterol level back up in


Sparkydrinks greedily) Burp! Thanks George.

George: No problem. Hey Aaron, you still have that "Little Girls Gone


Aaron: I think so.check over there in the gay porn by the VCR.

George: Faggot! (looks for the tape)

Sparky: I'm hungry! Let's eat.

Aaron: Just hang on a minute. Let me get these damn steaks cooked.

steaks in the pan)

George: (tearing his eyes off the video) Sparky, get the salad and

ready, will ya? I'm busy now.

Sparky: OK, George. (Sparky sets the table)

Aaron: How do you guys like your steaks?

Sparky: Raw is fine with me.

George: (rubbing his crotch while watching the little girl video) I

Yeah, raw is fine with me too.

Aaron: (mumbles) Damn weirdo's.

Aaron: (grease splatters on Aaron's hairless chest) Ouch!

George: Aaron, do you mind if I take this video home with me?

Aaron: Sure, take it. You know I don't like females.

George: (under his breath) Faggot!

Sparky: Can we eat now?

Aaron: Yep! Steaks are done. (Aaron places them on the table)

Sparky: I'm first George! That's my steak!

George: Whatever Sparky! Hell, I'm just gonna leave now. (grabs the

heads for the door)

Aaron: Where you going, George?

George: Um.uh.I'm not really hungry now. I think I'll just watch this
at home.

Sparky: Good! Gimme his steak.

Aaron: OK George, see ya later.

George: Bye

Scene: Much later in the evening after George has gone home to watch

porn, we return to find Aaron and Sparky enmeshed in each other's arms.

Aaron: Sparky, I knew you would come around.

Sparky: Well Aaron, I kind of feel guilty.almost as if I'm slipping

my old self. I've really tried to kick this man habit, but I can't seem

having feelings for you.

Aaron: Well Sparky, I always knew we were meant for each other.

Sparky: I only ask one thing of you, Aaron.

Aaron: What might that be, Sparky?

Sparky: All I ask is that you don't breath a word of this encounter to


Aaron: Fair enough. I know he's a bit of a bigot.

Sparky: Yes he is, but he's still my only real friend. You know, I

the times that he's tried to save me when I've gotten in over my head


Aaron: I know Sparky, and he's done the same for me. I really love him,

but I
can't let him know that.

Sparky: So, we're sworn to secrecy, right Aaron?

Aaron: Absolutely! Remember, we did take the ACK pledge.

Sparkychuckles quietly)

Sparky: (tentatively) OK Aaron, I'm all yours.

Scene: Fade to black.

To be continued.

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