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Old September 22nd 03, 09:49 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Brainbuster"

Frank Gilliland wrote in message ...
In , "Brainbuster"

Liars? Nope. Why? Because Twisty will be back.

They cannot be sure of that. Even if they could, they could go into
standby, and wait for further posts.

Which is what I was doing until you volunteered to be Twisty's defense attorney.
You have, in effect, continued in his footsteps.

Not only do they continue, but they try to provoke him into responding.

The key word is "they". First off, who are "they"; and second, why do "they"
matter so much to you?

Heck, they even admit that they WANT him to post some more.

That's why "they" keep demanding for him to leave, right? That makes perfect
sense to me..... not.

Maybe he is ignoring them, maybe he is too busy, maybe his system is down.

Who cares why he is gone? As far as I know or care, he could be one of those
people still without power in NC or VA. Yeah, so he said he lives in FL, but
everything else from him has been a lie. Personally, I think he's too paranoid
to publically disclose anything about himself, even his state of residence.
Either way, why do you feel the need to make excuses for him?

He always comes back.

So their "Twisty must go" CAMPaign is pointless, if they know he will not

I couldn't care less. If he stays, the newsgroup will still have their
punchclown. If he goes, he will eventually become nothing more than a distant
memory. So really it's a win-win situation. Except for Twisty. He has to make
his own choice between addressing his mental health issues or a future of
treating his high blood pressure while trolling for hammies on the newsgroups.

Those are the facts,

More like an opinion.

Wrong. Twisty's perverse behavior in the newsgroup is fact, and is well
documented by none other than himself.

and that's why this will never end until Twisty

But, you have said that he will not... he will always be back.
Why does someone waste years of their life chasing a goal that they know
will never be achieved?

High hopes? I don't know. Why don't you ask Twisty for yourself, since he's been
wasting all these years trying to prove that everyone is a liar except for him,
but ends up proving the exact opposite. Why don't you play his self-appointed
representative once again and explain THAT one, Brain?

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