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September 23rd 03, 05:53 PM
Aaron H. Voobner
Posts: n/a
(Citizens For A Keyclown Free Environment) wrote in message . com...
(Richard Cranium) wrote in message . com...
(Pederasts For A Keyclown Free Environment) wrote in message . com...
Show your reverence for the environment, make America a keyclown free
Never happen. Mainly because most people don't give a dam.
RF pollution has made keyclowns addle-brained, help them regain some
sanity by ratting out their illegal radio equipment every chance you
There's no such thing as "illegal radio equipment", only illegal USE
of it.
Citizens For A Keyclown Free Environment thank you.
Because you are completely impotent to do anything creative yourself.
Try using 2 meters someday, instead of jamming it, loser.
You should expend your excess energy to clean up America's highways of
speeders, tailgaters, and drunks. That would be of real benefit to
society. This is only of benefit to the selfish hams who have the
mistaken idea that somehow they own the airwaves.
You wish it was that easy to stop your Masters from showing how they own you.
You aren't a master of anything. Your expelled from the AKC due to
your childish behavior. When you grow up we will address the issue of
reinstating your membership.
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