Chris wrote in message
Will you please stop this? You have made this group a living hell
for everyone. Legal, Legitimate Cb'rs that come to this group to ask
a question about "how to fix my radio" or "Why is my antenna shorted"
have to wade through post after post of personal attacks to try and
find the answers to their questions.
Hi Chris.
As you have now spoken out against their actions, you will soon be labelled
a "keyclown" and targetted for the same abuse. It happened to me when I
tried telling them about their methods.
They insist on polarising the newsgroup - you must be on their side, posting
rubbish like them, or you will become a target.
I am not sure if your news reader can filter messages but, if it can, set it
to filter out those trolls cuasing the truoble and any subjects you know
will be offensive.
If possible, do it before you become a target.
Many legitimate users of this group have been chased away, but some of us
refuse to let these trolls take the group from CBers. Please stick around,
the group needs more CB posts, and you will find plenty willing to help.