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  #3   Report Post  
Old September 26th 03, 11:24 PM
Citizens For A Keyclown Free Environment
Posts: n/a

That's are just getting deeper into the corner. Next there
will be ringers buying amps from assclowns like you and taking the
info to the FCC. Bray and crow then, keykween.

By the way, your name reminds me of that chimp, Cheeta...remember? The
Tarzan movies were cool and Cheeta was always drunk, goofy, and
stupid. I get this auditory image of Cheeta's cry when I see you post?
Just a monkey makin' noise to assuage his fear.

Keykweenz, living proof that the indians did the buffalo.

Chim Bubba wrote in message . ..
I just sold 4, yes 4 8 pill amplifiers this week. Sorry I didn't put
it on the auction but I get enough business on the superbowl and in
the area. No need for auctions. I hope that doesn't upset any of the
anti boys. Have a nice day!