AKC 4 LIFE wrote in message ...
"Brainbuster" wrote in message
Brainbuster wrote in message ...
Eventually, I disconnected and reconnected before retrying, and their
naff system actually started working. Not the first time their system
has done
this, as you will see from the previous multiple post a few days back.
ohhhhhhhh but not too long ago brainbluster denied he multiple posted.
Please show proof... where is the post?
Oh yes, proving your accusations is not your strong point.
now he is blaming it on software failure.
No, try looking again... I said that it was the ISP SERVER.
That may not suit you, but it is a fact.
I made ONE copy of a message but, because my ISP's news server was acting
up, the server refused to acknowledge that it had received and posted a
message... so my systen (quite correctly) kept trying to send it.
That is NOT a problem with my system or software, it is doing what it
should... trying to send a message.
For software to assume that a message was received, without confirmation,
would risk loss of messages.
Look at the times and IP numbers
You will see that they are all copies of the same message... the creation
time is the same, to the second.
Also, you will see that, apart from the last copy, the message that got
repeated was sent on a different IP number than the rest. All the other
posts that day which (as you will see by their creation times) should have
been sent with the first copy of the repeated post, were also delayed until
the IP number changed.
That is because the problem with the ISP was cured by disconnecting,
reconnecting, and getting in through another part of their system. When
this was done, the ISP server acknowledged the post and my system was then
able to remove it from the "Outbox" and send the rest of the messages.
Is this all too much for a Google troll to understand?