Twisty, Can I get an update
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October 3rd 03, 12:39 AM
Posts: n/a
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Because this particular, rather benign but annoying worm, replicates
itself and sends itself automatically to recipients in your addy book.
Ok lets assume a hypothetical situation,
Off topic. Let's not.
_ =A0
I received it not once, but twice from you. Since reporting it, it
hasn't happened at all. ISP's are now widely familiar with this little
zinger and it would have been unfair to pull an account for something
one had no control over.
Lie #2, you said I sent it to you and landfag,
Post it.
purposely, right after I said wait till he see
what he gets in his mail. So that would have
meant I knew what happened.
If I sent it and knew about it why haven't they
pulled my account?
=A0The reason your account wasn't pulled, I mistakenly assumed it would
have automatically been reported by my spam service to your ISP, as most
unauthorized intrusions are, so I ignored it. When I received it a
second time from your addy, I KNEW it was sent manually and not
I reported it, which is when comcast became aware of the worm in your
infected computer and nothing has came from your addy since. Since it
was the FIRST report comcast received, they chalked it up to the
virus,,,but like I said,,nothing since,,nada.
Ok, let me get this straight are you saying
Comcast told you "my computer" was
Again, nothing was ever sent from my
computer, your header reading ability suxs.
It's not me that interprets the headeers, so this should be a non-issue
for one who self-professes as much as yourself.
Please answer truthfully
This is why you have serious pains of my presence in the ng. Integrity
is something one can never recover after losing, and I'm quite good at
pointing such things fact,,,I'm damn good at it,,it's why such
malice comes from the entertaining little group of followers that hold
me as their deity. It is amazing what level some reduce themselves when
one's ego is so heavily involved and bruised.
=A0=A0I wan't to make sure I got this straight
Well then, you need read what is there and not what you want to be
there. Cessation of deliberate misattributions to others would be a step
in the right direction, as only degenerates need attempt such sorrow.
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