killdagger wrote...
I've got me an RCA CB Co pilot 14T303 with a workman BS-1 dipole
antenna pinnes up in an inverted v outside my window. I recieve just
fine, but my transmit is horrible.
Some people seem to believe that some antennas work best for receive and
others for transmit... but it is wrong. An antenna will work just as well
for both, either it is good or it is not.
One issue could be that some people may have their squelch set higher, or
they may not be listening for the weak signals. Another issue is that a
receiver being swamped with many fairly strong signals will have the gain
drop, so a poor antenna will give the radio weaker signals and the RX gain
may go back up.
A few years back, most of the UK TV stations shut down at night. When this
happened, my TV RX gain would go back up and I could pick up remaining
transmitters from 100s of miles away - on a small indoor antenna.
If, on a good antenna, your TX seems to be much worse than your RX, then
have the radio checked.
Well, I checked the SWR. 1.5 @ ch.1 and a hair below 2 on 40.
The readings suggest that the antenna is slightly long, but not enough to
worry about too much. Other nearby objects will affect the SWR.
SWR is not critical, a vertical dipole will normally be about 75 Ohms -
giving a 1.5:1 SWR reading at best.
As for the inverted
dipole, do you reccommend i mount it as an 'L'?
Vertical would be best but, if space is limited, you may need to settle for
something more compact.