In , tomagain
To all that replied......Thanks for your help. Here is where I am
The 1 inch wire from the negative power connector to the pcb board was
not passing the negative connection. I wired in a new jumper. Now when
I put the bench power supply on it, I only get less than 1 volt on the
meter. Unplug it from the radio, and it jumps back up to normal. So I
suspect that diode got fried as well as the wire.I will try and get
the diode replaced as soon as I can get one, and will let you all know
how it came out. So all of you have been a great help. My one question
for now is... If I remove that " suspect " diode, without replacing
it, should the radio power up? or do I need to wait until I replace it
before I put the power back on it?
Thanks again to all!!!
The radio will power up, but unless you replace it, and put a fuse connecter on
the power lead, you will have lost your reverse-voltage protection.
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