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Old October 19th 03, 01:44 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Hypocrite Landshark"

"Twistedhed" wrote in message news:13130-3F9082D5-_
Nothing to deny. Your argument is with the FCC. they clearly indicate
N8WWM committed violations. Your ignorance and ire has you shooting the
messenger. The topic is you disagree with the FCC, and you deperately
need make MEMEME your topic. No cigar. Again, your beef is with the FCC,
and now me, for,,for,,,er..for..bringing it up? LOL,,hahaha,,,have a
good weekend, and stand up straight, you won't appear so scoliotic in
the future.

That's our resident troll George,
accuses, harrass, foul language, trolls.
113 nics in just the past 4 month's.
I like how he use's the word
H Y P O C R I T E, I thought only
Frank has a corner on the use of that
word............. LOL!!!!

Hypocrite Landshark

It's amazing how he has you trained -- he spouts his big mouth and proves beyond
a doubt that he's an idiot, then suddenly you jump in growling like a dog
defending his unconscious master.

So does Twisty beat you like he does his other dogs?

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