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Old October 19th 03, 07:52 PM
Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup
Posts: n/a

(Richard Cranium) wrote in message . com...
(Repeaterjammers For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote in message . com...
"Dave VanHorn"
Not a damn thing. 10m radios are still perfectly legal for amateur

in the 10m band, and always will be. They have never been legal
for use on CB.

Yawn. Old news. BFD.

From what I read, these were the "dual" ham and CB radios, which

never could
be type accepted.

They would never be legal on the CB band, nor type accepted for sale

ham bands either.

Don't waste your time, you see Dave, this here is Cranus The Anus, and
he is the defender of illegal keyclowns and chief douchebag catbox
licker of rrcb. He doesn't have any function he is merely a TROLL.

Don't waste your time, you see Dave, that there is DouGay Adairierre
N8WWM, known pederast and repeater jammer. He doesn't have any
function. Period.

I believe I stated that those radios have never been legal for use
on CB. However, amateur use does not require type acceptance. Some of
the Rangers listed are sold as 10 meter radios, and are perfectly
legal for that use. Too bad your perverted obsession distorts your
grasp of reality, DouGay.

See here Cranus the Anus, reality is you make excuses to keep these
radio on the market cuz you want them in keyclown hands, jizzbag. Now
lube up your gaping sphincter, Dweebo's at yer door.