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Old January 18th 05, 03:20 AM
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In article , Mike Coslo

N2EY wrote:

In article , "Kim"

I couldn't follow who posted what above, but I think whoever said "It
allows us to get to know each other better"

That was Mike, KB3EIA

Lil 'ol me!

may need just a little bit of a reality
check. This is an "online" venue, and I don't believe that this allows for
getting to "know" anyone. OK, maybe slightly...and then only in a few

For instance, the internet, chat rooms, and newsgroups are the greatest
playground for playing Devil's Advocate or even downright antagonism, or
inciting "a riot" so to speak! I know I can get certain people going in a
heart beat of a stroke of a few keys of my keyboard, and they'll look
pretty darned idiotic to most who may have been taking them seriously...

In a short, don't ever think that this (the internet) is the medium of
humanism, or personalization, or "knowing" others. It just ain't so...


I agree in some ways, Kim, and disagree in others. And it's not a new
phenomenon - it goes back at least to the days of the landline telegraph

I've met more than a few folks "in person" after first encountering them
online, or on the air. In some cases, the personality you meet on line or
on air is very much the same as the one you meet in person. In others,
the personalities are very different. There's really no 100% sure way to
know ahead of time. The person who is a real %^&# online may be
very nice in person, and vice versa.

Although most of the time, you can still find the person out.

If you wait long enough, their patterns become clear.

But I have found that it's usually the case that the online or onair
isn't *that* much different. There are exceptions, of course, but if a
acts like a complete @#$% online, there's a very good chance you won't
like their "in person" personality either.

It they didn't have those particular thoughts and feelings, they
wouldn't write them.


It is not only MHO, it is a fact.

Much can be learned by those who sit back , watch, and listen.

I think Kim might be thinking that I am acting the chat-room romantic.
(correct me if I'm wrong, Kim)

But our writing tells much about us. When we purposely set out to
decieve, we are eventually outed.

That's one way to look at it. Here's another: What does it say about a
person whose online personality appears to be different from their
"in person" one? Which is an act, and which is real? And why bother
with the deception?

73 de Jim, N2EY