Dave Hall wrote:
(Scott Unit 69) wrote:
Dave Hall wrote:
Twistedhed wrote:
Geez, Dave,,your third ISP access to the group in less than 60
days...no wonder we haen't heard from you. Try to behave yourself this
time and not allow your anger to best you and get yourself into a spot
where your services are yanked for non-compliance of rules in place
the good of all.
Other than that, best be winterizing that skiff of yours....the
Delaware River is no fun, but the Schuylkill (sp?) has it's moments.....
I made a silent bet on how long it would take you to latch on to this
fact, and then twist it all out of proportion into something that has
resemblence to the truth. I can see that you didn't dissapoint in that
regard. You obviously spend way too much time worrying about who
accesses the group in which manner. In other words, your priorities are
out of whack.
If you must know, yes, I have changed ISP's. I have decided to dump my
year old dial-up service, for one that services cable modems. The
benefits of such should be obvious. The final straw which pushed me over
the ledge, happened right after the hurricane hit last month (Though
two events are not related). The news server that my ISP outsourced to,
had it's throughput drug down to a slow crawl. It literally took me 10
minutes just to download the message headers, and that was at T1 access
speeds. After speaking with a tech support guy at my ISP, who basically
had no control over the situation, and who stated that "yea, they're
aware of the problem, and they're working on it", and after nearly a
month of no improvement, I decided that it's time for a change.
My Worldlynx account is still good until February, and I can E-mail you
if you want proof that I'm still a user in good standing there.
I'm sure you'll accuse me of "lying" again, but it's of little
consequence to me, as is most of what's been going on here in this
newsgroup as of late. I will be participating in a greatly reduced
manner, as I have totally lost interest in the politics and personal
affronts involved in the legal/illegal battle. Like in this thread, I'll
offer up some technical or experience related comments to people asking
questions, but that's about it.
Sorry your leaving Dave, but notice in all the mess that "twistedhed"
the common denominator. If he were to leave the group would be 100% better.
I never said that I was "leaving". I just don't want to get involved
anymore in the political bantering and posturing that seems to have all
but completely taken over this group. I have decided that I will only
participate in subjects that have value from either a technical, or a
nostalgic perspective.
The real shame is that you cannot participate in tech discussions such as
the antenna thread for fear that Twistedhed will follow you into the thread
and start trouble for no good reason and ruin the thread.