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Old October 30th 03, 09:01 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Dave=A0Hall)
Twistedhed wrote:
I made a silent bet on how long it would take

you to latch on to this fact,

Yea,,,,I'd figured you would,,,,it was part of the equation. It's
probably why you held back so long waiting to post. Those test posts
didn't work so well, eh?

My new ISP became active 2 days ago. Not

such a long wait.

S'cool,,,so you were lurking, then,,

and then twist it all out of proportion into

something that has no resemblence to the


Truth speaks for itself. It doesn't need defended nor explained.

Then why are you always challenging it?

It's the bull**** I challenge (shrug). I'm a skeptic,,it's my nature.
The fact I won't believe some claims merely on an internet word enrages
=A0=A0I can see that you didn't dissapoint in that

regard. You obviously spend way too much

time worrying about who accesses the group

in which manner.

In other words, your priorities are out of


Actually, I am acutely aware and merely have fantastic memory and
recall,,,,,most of the time. That I happen to point such things out
shouldn't reduce you to personal insult, but then again, it doesn't take
much for you to start slinging personal muck these days, does it, Dave?
You are way too sensitive.

Try to remain relevant,,my feelings should be of no consequence and I
admit, I question why they are of such importance to certain folks, not
unlike yourself.

Suggesting that your priorities are not what

they should be, is not so much a personal

insult, as it is an observation.

On what you have been permitted,,,,exactly. You miss the point

It's why you find yourself in the position you do.
The self-delusion you attempt to foster unto others, that you somehow
are self-qualified to make miraculous, medicinal internet diagnoses
based upon the
information one permits you, is astoundingly curious,,,'tisn't my
priorities that need questioning. Introspection is in order,
Before one can objectively observe and

interpret the behaviors of others, one must be

totally honest with oneself.

And by default, according to your logic, when one is honest, they can
then interpret the behaviors of others? Efffectively? Based on what they
are permitted? Hmmm,,,better think about such a claim, again, Dave.
Introspection is a staple in my life.

as I have totally lost interest in the politics and

personal affronts involved in the legal/illegal

battle. Like in this thread, I'll offer up some

technical or experience related comments to

people asking questions, but that's about it.



No more unsubstantiated claims that turn personal and hostile when they
are questioned? Put 'er there, man!
Yea, I know, you will no longer be able to feed
your attention craving though exchanges with


What I do would be of no consequence to you if you weren't such an
off-topic troll inclined to make every topic personal and about me. You
suffer from the same malady as Frank,,,and N8, and Lelnad,,,there it
is,,,oh yea,,Geogre,,the "Arron" boys,,,,,

Sooner or later, Frank and others will reach

the same point.

They already have. You see, I am the one with the same addy out there
for years,,not you, nor Frank I am the one with the webtv, with no
complaints, as you sit there and bitch about your past internet service
and providers.
At which time you can declare some sort of

mental "victory" for outlasting and outshouting

the opposition.

Ahh,,but I have won a victory, grasshoppah,,,,,one need only look to the
cries of Dogie, Frank, Lelnad, and yourself to see the whining that goes
on about the PERSON, not the topic.Hey Dave, I won't apologize for
feeling victorious over scum such as Frank and yourself who have been
crying for years for me to leave and for those who choose to make all
their posts personal. That's your problem. Deal with it.

But you will have no one left to feed your ego. _

There you go again,,,expressing that overt concern for the lowly what possibly could be your motivation for such behavior,,
I am making the first steps toward bringing this
group back to what it used to be.

With continued insults in your posts? With topics about me? LOL,,,tell
your bull**** to a group that doesn't know you any better.
=A0Damn, well, then, we both have radios and we both have
boats........and we both dislike each other's football teams. Bucs are
falling apart..too much infighting. Time for the 'pile to take another
championship,,excuse me while I prep for the Hurricane repeat.
I respect the Buc's. Any team that can achieve
what they have is worthy of respect. I am also

not a rabid Eagles fan. In fact, I have been a

Cowboys and Packers fan for far longer than

I've even been in radio.

Packers are tolerable. Screw Dallas. I'm surprised one that touts the
law as much as you do would support such a team that tolerates criminal
conduct and breaches of contracts with their players.
Being a fan of a

Cowboys in this town, can lead to some verbal
abuse. But hey that's what it's all about.......

The Eagles showed some promise in the past

few seasons, but this year seems to be a huge
step back. The team seems to lack cohesion,

and that's not a good thing.....



Warren Sapp is coming your way,,,,either there or Dallas,,watch and see.