Thread: Why We Freeband
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Old November 2nd 03, 11:20 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Twistedhed wrote in message ...

Many of us LIKE the law as it is, it keeps "yes men" off the freqs. Same
analogy as the gun issue...when guns are outlawed only
outlaws will have, yoo won't find many freebanders lobbying fo
r change to open the freqs because the law as it reads, doesn't bug us.

There's a big difference here, Buckaroo, and that is firearms are
LEGAL in most places in the United States.

The ILLEGAL use of a firearm is a felony.

Your operating of a radio transmitter on unauthorized frequencies
is ILLEGAL...PERIOD. It's NOT a "freedom" thing.

No rationalization is even needed except to reply to folks
that repeatedly ask over and over, "Why?" It is these folks
that feel they need a reason why we do what we do, not us.

You're right..."...No rationalization is even needed..." It's
against the law for good reasons, the most significant being that you
have "stolen" those frequencies from other users of the spectrum who
are now forced to do thier business else where. That's expensive, and
sometimes it's dangerous.

If it were limited to 11 meters, it probably wouldn't be an
issue, but the "freebander blight" is spreading out to the Maritime
frequencies, both HF and VHF, military frequencies, and other business
users, among others.

I am persoanlly aware of numerous "interruptions" of traffic due
to some ignoramus trying to "break in" for a "signal report" on
military frequencies and Civil Air Patrol's frequencies.

Don't wrap yourself up in that "free spirit" crap. You're
breaking the law and disrupting the use of the spectrum.

Steve Robeson, K4YZ