Thread: Freeband & Ham
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Old November 8th 03, 03:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Twistedhed wrote:
Posting someone's e-mail address in a

malicious manner is not only childish, but

perhaps even more illustrative of ham radio's

warts than is the OP topic.

Yea,,,remind us of anyone on Several scumbag hammies here
spend all their time searching for more than just emails linked to cb
posters,,,,they want personal information, and when they are refused it
or fail at attaining such info,,,they threaten that if they can manage
competence long enough to get any personal info, they will use it
against you in any manner they can conjure.....sort of like they do now
with chosen user names. C. Frank Gilliland is one of those who threatens
cbers concerning their personal information.

hey twisty cant ya just let it rest? you have a hardon with frank and
lee and the others but it gets old. dont come back with he said she said
'cause its tiring...peace bud...