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Old March 21st 04, 05:58 PM
Irv Finkleman
Posts: n/a

"Dick, AA5VU" wrote:

Thanks to Irv and others that responded. I plan to remove the Control
Unit from the rats nest on Monday and try spraying the Calibration pot.

I still do not understand the function of the Calibration control? It
is a push in/out (maybe for on/off) and trim pot for setting the meter.
It has very little control over the needle. At best it does a few
degrees to help zero in on South.

Irv, where is the wireround pot you mentioned?

Thanks again to all that responded.

Dick - AA5VU

Dick, the pot I refer to is in the Rotor -- not the control unit. It is
not the calibration control pot which is in the control unit, but rather
the pot in the rotor itself. If you open the rotor, you can't miss it,
it is at the highest point and has a large copper wiper arm. Still, it
wouldn't hurt to spray the calibration pot just in case although I have
never heard of any problems with that particular pot.

I presume you have a manual -- if you look at the interconnection between
the control unit and the rotor unit you will see how the pot in the
rotor sends the position down to the control unit.

When you open the rotor, be very careful as there is a large bearing
with balls about 3/8 inch diameter some of which may fall out. They are
easy to set in place, but if you are working in an area where they can
roll off the workbench into awkward places -- which Murphy's Law says
they will -- the job is more difficult.

Also note the relative position of things because incorrect assembly of
the mechanical linkage between top and bottom will result in big problems.
If you are reasonably mechanically adept, you shouldn't have any

You might even consider asking around among the local hams -- there are
probably a few who have already been inside one and would be willing
to share their expertise.

Once you have fixed things up you will find the calibration control has
considerable control over the meter setting.

I hope this helps!


Diagnosed Type II Diabetes March 5 2001
Beating it with diet and exercise!
297/215/210 (to be revised lower)
58"/43"(!)/44" (already lower too!)
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Irv Finkleman,
Grampa/Ex-Navy/Old Fart/Ham Radio VE6BP
Calgary, Alberta, Canada