In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In , Radioman wrote:
Article poste via Voila News - Le : Thu Nov 13
21:41:24 2003 depuis l'IP : [VIP 532284301978]
You'll have to come up with a lot more then $41.07. _ How much more?
LOL,,,not that much, Frank.
You know Christmas is coming up soon,
A self-avowed athiest would never capitalize Christmas, Frank. Come
again, jelly bean!
and I'm a very generous person.
Well, to be honest, you began this post with a lie, you were caught in
many lies and forced to admit such, and your reputation is that of the
newsgroiup liar, so, what you say means squat.
Over the years,
Yea, yea, You're a pathetic man. Whatcha wanna know about me so bad,
junior? LOL! HAHAHA! Poor Frank,,Twist apparently and inadvertantly
cracked your fragile psyche! Is life so bad and miserable for you that
you need beg or bribe to get information on one you hold responsible for
your life's failures? Ahh,,poor Unca Twist really scrwed you up and made
your life a living hell, eh? LOL!,
It's always nice to have a little extra money for
the holidays, or for those long, cold months of
Perhaps....,,but cb and hammie friends of 'ol Twist don't need
cash,,they can come on down and go fishing for free, and several have.
All you can provide is the search for ET via stargazing and your search
for the abominable yeti...LOL! The rest of us laugh at you and your
Twisted sickness!
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