Steveo wrote in message ...
(Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote:
I was gonna ROTFLMAO if you were stupid enough to be standing out
there in the marsh on Saturday morning getting your feet wet waiting
for N8.
If N8 hadn't of spoiled it I could have had you running all over hell
every weekend!
Not hardly, since I have doug and his girlfriends address.
You're easily amused. It only proves what I've maintained all
along. You akc assholes are chicken**** punks.
No homo-boy, it proves that you are too fukkin' stupid to read a
header. You and your fellow anal fissure cranus the anus. You was
OWNED, asshole. OWNED, OWNED, OWNED. Nothing you say or do changes
As for having my address, now there's a fukkin' accomplishment. God
almighty, we are in AWE of your prowess at finding information from
any one of several public databases. It proves, and this only
possibly, that you can read at a 2nd grade level. It might be you had
help. Show up in my doorway any time you want. I have only said that
for what, almost 4 years?
You are the pusbag who has to hide. If I was worried about you I would
have wiped you off my foot like dog**** long ago. Just imagine a hunk
of dog**** on a shoe with waving arms and a gay mouth begging to suck,
and always yammering "N8 this","Doug that". That's you
Steviegayboy...that's you.
Any time you wanna come by feel free to do so. You can go for a ride
in my HotRod Lincoln. That goes for any of you keyqueen scum bags.
My hamfest scedule for 2004 will be firmed up by the middle of next
month, I'll letya know.
Every single effort you have made to stop the AKC has totally failed.
People too stupid to read headers shouldn't even try. But...You are
too stupid to know you are stupid. Here we are, 4 years later...AKC
still still 1mangayboying it. Hehheheheh.