Lelnad's antics don't concern me in the least. You see, his focus is alw
ays what others think, that's what gives him away, his overriding concer
n with how he is perceived. I have no such inhibitions and am gloriously
free of such psychosomatic tics. No coders such as 'nad have long worsh
ipped at my altar. I will relate a story that I think will illustrate th
e topic quite nicely. Yes, it concerns the aformentioned undergarment th
at Dogie and the kennel club so tactlessly dispatched through the mails
before I had the foresight to change my address from a local one to a po
stal box. First of all let me describe the condition it arrived in by
saying whosoever wore it apparently was excreting some unknown fluid tha
t had a texture similar to Jarlsburg cheese. Further inspection reveale
d a series of brown striations with a distinct odor of necrotic tissue m
ixed with human feces. But most interesting was what was scrawled in a c
hildish hand in magic marker across the, dare I say, "pouch" portion of
the garment. It was an ephithet, a signature of sorts, that points direc
tly to dogie and his akc kennel club. Team voob, Hall, Lelnad, C. Frank
Gillinad and Geo no doubt had a "hand" in this disturbing production as
well. Of course Nad expected and counted on my shock and dismay at recei
pt of said lingerie so I give him nothing of the kind. Instead I place i
t in a trophy postition on my wall where all may see and marvel at it. "
What is that?" they ask, and I reply "It is a small offering from my wor
shipful canines". You see Nad, you have no recourse but to sink lower, a
s I am always one step ahead of your fitful baying.
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