different types Of radios???
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November 20th 03, 07:37 PM
Posts: n/a
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0A "10 meter" radio is one that covers the
10 meter band, 28.000 to 29.700 Mhz, an
amateur or 'ham' radio band. It's usually a
name given to a radio to get around the 'out of
band' frequency or power limitations of CB
Excuse Doc. He's a bit predjudiced. The above is bull****. Just like 2
meter radios and 6 meter radios, a 10 meter radio is just that, a 10
meter radio, nothing more, nothing less.
10 meter radios are capable of being easily converted to cover the cb
band and the empty, mostly non-used space called the freeband between 11
meter and 10 meter. Such radios send certain ****ed off angry hammies
into spasms, as does the discussion of such cause several of them to
toss out bull**** like the above.
Basically just a modified CB radio. They are
sometimes called an 'export' radio, same
reason, to get around the regulations. Most
are no better than the average 'stock' CB radio
and some are considerably worse in
Yes, and some are considerably better than most cb's, and much better in
performance,,,like your Connex,,something Doc won't tell you.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0The 240 'gazillion' channels is mostly a
gimmik used in advertising, in other words,
"B.S.". Because of the way they each work,
you can put two SSB signals on one channel
but only one AM signal. 'They' want you to
believe you're getting 120 channels instead of
the 40 that you are really getting. Just means
that the CB industry (legal and not so legal)
want to sell radios and don't care how they do
it. When you get right down to it, the biggest
difference between all CB radios is how they
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=
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More cb voodoo bull****.
Example: Galaxy sideband, has AM and FM with,,,damn, I forget
how many bands they have...5 I think (been a long time). So, 5 bands, 40
"channels" each band...would equal 200 "channels".
Some of these guys have their own tunnel vision concerning such
things,,,it's why Doc only told you the negatives concerning your Connex
and none of the positives,,,as far as he is concerned,,it has no
positives, merely because it can be converted.
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