(Twistedhed) wrote in news:12839-3FBD060C-316
From: (Barry=A0OGrady)
I can't imagine any ham wanting to go back to meters after getting used
to LCD displays. I have a 1 meter 2 metre radio, but it's pretty old.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DWeb page: At=
heist, radio
scanner, LIPD information.
Hello Barry! May the good Lord Jesus bless you and your family this
holiday season.
Nostalgia is a perfect illustration of why one would do such. Of course,
many can't understand why so many hammies would freeband either, but
that's their bliss.
Are you speaking for yourself Twistedhead?
As well as many christians who would wish him well. Perhaps you wish
ill of him?
Are you a Ham?
I'm not shy in front of a camera, or so I'm told.
We sure know you are a admitted Freebander
which makes you an admitted criminal.
As opposed to, say, the hammies getting popped each and every month
doing stupid stuff such as jamming? As opposed to, say, N8WWM jamming
repeaters and interfering with the operation of a club repeater? That
you hold talking on 27.555 a degree offense worse than that of the
exampled, illustrates not only your intent, but upbringing AND values.