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Old November 22nd 03, 12:42 AM
Richard Cranium
Posts: n/a

(AntiKeyclown) wrote in message . com...
ojunk (OZARK333) wrote in message ...
Gee, i think a ham would know if the
crappy little CB's he is selling work, or not!
Goes to show honesty is not inherent with
an amateur license.
Please don't tell me the honesty is him
saying "Don't know if they work"....bullcrap
he knows they are all D.O.A.!

"Got RF?"

You are D.O.A. too: Doing Oral Anuses YOU FAGGOT!

Wellll, golleee, Georgie-girl! You've been nob-gobbling with DouGay so
long you're starting to sound like him!

FCC rule 2.815(b): After APR 27, 1978, no person shall manufacture,
sell or lease, offer for sale or lease (including advertising for
sale or lease), or import, ship, or distribute for the purpose of
selling or leasing or offering for sale or lease, any external radio
frequency amplifier or amplifier kit capable of operation on any
frequency or frequencies between 24 and 35 MHz.

Funny; hams are allowed to make and sell amps capable of operating on
those frequencies. You're allegedly an Extra, how come you don't know

Amps are not illegal. Only certain uses of amps may be considered
illegal. What a freakin' maroon!