Hey Steveo
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November 22nd 03, 12:50 AM
Richard Cranium
Posts: n/a
(AntiKeyclown) wrote in message . com...
Steveo wrote in message ...
(Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote:
(AntiKeyclown) wrote:
Inventing me saying there was a conspiracy of any kind against me
not change the fact that what I typed had no mention of such.
I am waiting for you to post a sourced response to support your
"repeater jamming" claim.
The purpose of initiating communication to moped is simple: If some
true warped ass wackaloon, under disguise as me, DID actually meet
some where and busted a cap on his ass, who do you think would be
under investigation? I will take all my own falls, and have. I
be blamed for something of that nature I did not do.
Wild Wild West, doug. Did ya think I was gonna go there without my
trusty pistola?
OMG!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!! Just the thought of Moped standing alone in a wet
marsh with his little cap pistol BREAKS ME UP!!!!!!
Again, NO WHERE in ANY of those posts did I say I was N8WWM or "Doug".
YOU ASSUMED merely by that it
was him.
Exactly, "the style of language used in the posts" is that of cowardly
n8wwm, and that's who I was addressing. Apparently he's not the only
Blowhard who trolls this board.
He isn't. There's always Georgie-girl Busch, who blows harder than
DouGay ever will.
No, mopedboy, the only "Exactly" here is that this particular troll
led you by the fish hook for weeks, you always replying "Doug this",
"N8WWM that"...You, cranus the anus, and several other keykweenz all
acting like a semi-retarded Greek Chorus...Most likely "greek" cuz we
know you keykweenz like it "greek".
You know nothing, Georgie-girl. Not even FCC Rules & Regs.
I loved the laffin' at you fags' reactions, but when the threats were
made I had to put a stop to it.
Becauwse you are a coward?
Much as I know you are a useless
lawnboy truckstop troller, I need you alive so someone else can come
along and show the whole group what a retarded mouth breather ya are.
You and your butt buddy cranus the anus were the object of weeks of
loud laughs because you were blundering so totally unknowingly into
the fish hook. If you could have read the emails that were exchanged
about you kweenz you woulda died of mortification.
You mean the ghost-posting from you to you?
As usual, the AKC proves how stupid you are, and you provide 100% of
the proof!
As usual, the AKC proves nothing but what a pair of stupid jerks they
can be.
By the way, the thought of Moped standing alone in a wet marsh with
his little cap pistol breaks me up too...But as I would not let a
retarded child follow a friends instructions to play freeze tag on an
interstate, I must also protect the retarded boy genius so he can
provide even more years of 1mangayboyness.
What's that, your CB handle? LOL!
Too stupid to read a header...goes on for WEEKS...hook, line,
sinker...haw haw haw.
Like I've said befo You are known by the company you keep. George?
Doug? Two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. A real pair of jokers.
Losers all.
How was the Mustang's football season this year, by the way?
Who cares? It's only a game, Georgie-girl. Life is a different story.
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