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November 22nd 03, 01:46 AM
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Steveo wrote in
Crimson Tide wrote:
Sure I know you, you hump my leg and defend dogie. What's to know?
Perverted same-sex obsessive freak!
the only humping I see is you replying to me
trying to either be funny or a troll,
Your problem, not anyone elses. You have demonstrated an unhealthy
albeit willing propensity for seeing things not there,,this is often
referred to as "hallucinating".
I am not
defending doug
Sure you are, and you have done so throughout your entire demonic
as much as I am proving your
You proved nothing on this ng, at anytime, to anyone.
hypocrisy and throwing it back at you because
if it was tipsy or you on the rain report and it
said what it did you would think tipsy or
yourself didnt do anything wrong.
Umm,,no. I am certain HE wouldn't think anything like you. You were told
once before, no,,many times before, that others do not suffer from the
manner in which you think, only a few share your malady, which is why
you were aptly driven underground as an official "Team Voobster". You're
a lying lid. Unless, of course, in the above, you felt the involuntary
need to tell another what they "would think" ..LMAO! And we all know
that would never happen because you are in control of what you say and
do at all times,,,(hmmph)!
I noticed the keyclowns
Little children take to making up words when they are at lost for words.
This is acceptable behavior for children, as their intellects aren't
fully developed. What is your excuse? LOL,never mind, (hyuk!) !!
don't like it wheb thefavor is returned so to
What was returned? You presented yourself as supposing for another in a
hypothetical situation, that never happened. You are a deeply disturbed
individual. I want you to know that I fully acknowledge my guilt and
responsibility for the condition and state of mind of which you
currently find yourself.
It is ok for you clowns to cry to isp's if the akc
Dogie began the stooge game,,try to be balanced about this situation. In
fact, it began with you scumbags contacting Dennis O's employer,,,so
don't even try to absolve what has come back to smack you in your
mildly-retarded, pointed little head.
turns in illegal amps on ebaym, then
keyclowns say who are we to tell people what
they can and cant do when they do the same.
I never asked you anything of the like or said 90% of the lies you
voluntarily are compelled (LOL) to deliberately misattribute to myself.
Such dishonesty illustrates the malice you harbor. Lid.
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