Thread: Doug marketing?
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Old November 22nd 03, 02:26 AM
Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup
Posts: n/a

Steveo wrote:
(Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup)

Steveo wrote in message
Steveo wrote:
Hey doug, does qrz let you sell antenna's on that page, or
are you supposed to buy advertising from them?

There is nothing for sale on that qrz page you lip flapping stooge.

I hear from a reliable source that you sell that snake oil antenna.

that's true, you're spamming qrz.

Bring out the source, lube-lips.

They sell advertising to pay their
bills, crook.

In the legal radio world it is not uncommon to share information
regarding antenna building. See, being from the illegal fag keyclown
world, that would be a new concept to ya, ya scrotum slurper