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Old November 24th 03, 06:17 PM
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Default ****hed moans femininely for N8WWM

From: (Richard=A0Cranium)
(Queen Georgie-girl Busch) wrote in message
Actually, the purchases represent other things


1. A common sense attempt to sell some

non-copyrighted info myself...why not?

Are you jealous that you are too fukkin stoopid
to use turbo lister?

Self-illustrated,,stupid is as stupid does. Perhaps you can prove
otherwise by sharing how such an item may be succesfully implemented
with webtv. Tsk tsk,,that's what we already know.

2. Inetlligent curiosity about what the cops


No. An unhealthy, overt concern for what others think. Always been your
problem,,,you no longer have choice in the matter,,,LOL.,,you lost free
will. Hyuk!

3. Good stocking stuffers for Christmas...

Well, to be fair, Dogie's personal hygiene has been shown by ex to
somewhat lacking and he
doesn't wash his feet.Those aren't socks..

think I bought 10 of em.

You see, if I gave a rats ass about what you

faggots have to say it would be quite simple to
change ID's.

to this current one that has been around for a hundred hours?

=A0=A0I know you sperm slurpers

Your penchant and preference for homosexuality has now made its way into
all your speech. Try to be aware and realize not all appreciate your
queerness worked into all your conversations.


always searching for anything about me, and

live only to discover new stuff.

You are delusional and this illustrates your paranoia level.

I know it is because you wanna come to

Toledo and suck me off.

Your fantasy of committing sin and having sex with another man has been
well documented and appropriated.

Makes me chuckle to know your obsession

with me has you combing ebay...hehehehe.

More anger and hallucinations...

****hed, you can't suck my dick no matter

how you beg, I am heterosexual.

Heterosexuals do not post of same-sex relations as you do.

Not the way you post, Georgie-girl. And

you're in Allentown, PA, so why would

anyone want to go to Toledo? Come to think

of it, why would anyone want to go to Toledo

anyhow? It's a real trashtown; even worse

than Pittsburgh!

But not as bad as Philthadelphia.