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Old March 23rd 04, 09:29 AM
Jack Twilley
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"Richard" == Richard Clark writes:

Jack Actually, my goal is for the antenna to be resonant at 7.150.
Jack If it's resonant too low, then I need to shorten the wires even
Jack more, right?

Richard Hi Jack,

Richard Resonance is not all that it is cracked up to be. Be careful
Richard of seeking something that yields little return on your
Richard effort.

This is a very good point.

Richard For instance, the numbers you've offered show a very low Z
Richard for that anticipated goal. This means you will still need to
Richard transform that value to reduce SWR, which in its own pursuit
Richard is an equally low yield return.

Yes, but pursuing a match close to 1:1 and an impedance close to 50
ohms seems to be a reasonable pursuit, if I understand correctly.

Richard You will need a tuner any way you look at it, and the higher
Richard R values at the higher frequencies are probably more due in
Richard part to the loss of nearby ground, rather than the miracle of
Richard a neighboring resonance.

Possibly. I hope a accurate description of my antenna's geometry and
surrounding structures will assist in resolving this question.

Richard My guess is that you have already obtained an optimal
Richard situation = it don't get any better than this even with all
Richard the trimming you may accomplish. Worse, you could double its
Richard height and contacts may never notice the improvement in
Richard "efficiency." Basically all your work is to achieve bragging
Richard rights, and you could cheat and start bragging right now to
Richard no one's challenge.

That's a reasonable guess. However, I think I've got a bit more
experimenting to do before I can reach that conclusion. I disagree
with the assertion that "bragging rights" is the goal here, though. I
don't see any point in bragging -- there's nothing terribly unusual or
special about what I'm doing. I'm not going after DXCC with a
magnetic loop the size of a ream of paper, or WAS from a radio in an
Altoids can. I'm just trying to have the best antenna my environment
and budget can support.

Richard 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC

- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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