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November 25th 03, 09:05 PM
[email protected]
Posts: n/a
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:32:22 -0500 (EST),
(Twistedhed) wrote:
It has come to my attention that Dogie is having many
other,,,er,,problems besides this newsgroup (A nod of acknowlegement to
the good 'ol buckeye hammies).
N8WWM has set about ruining another reputation...KC8QJP.
The poor woman is almost beside herself with grief over her current
selection of,,,uh,,,,the opposite sex. She has talked to friends AND
Dogie about his behavior and even this newsgroup, she has even pleaded
with Dogie, but selfish as the mole-looking creature is, he thinks of
not her, but only of himself. It figures only Dogie could manage to
cause a fight in his house concerning this ng....LOL.
This woman would be best served to separate and avail herself from this
vile creature of filth and perversion before he drags her down to the
point from which she may never recover. A reputation is much more
difficult for a woman to repair than a man. N8WWM doesn't care about
that, all he cares about is causing problems in, no matter
who he hurts or drags down.
All that matters is his personal, angry, selfish, self-absorbed agenda.
This woman doesn't know the real N8WWM, but she's finding out a bit more
with each passing day....she's in for one hell of a learning experience
and the good word is she is already planning on leaving him.
Just reading his past posts and threats concerning his proneness to
violence and one gets the feeling that it won't be long until he starts
beating her, if he doesn't already. There are many avenues of assistance
for this woman to turn to, both in the hammie community and at home. She
needs not be intimidated by Dogie any longer. KC8QJP, get out while you
can. He wouldn't dare hurt you with an entire community of hammies aware
of the situation and watching intently. You go girl! Good luck to you.
You can do way better.
This may be true but I believe the real reason she may be leaving
is because she has found out that DouGay has some of the same
characteristics as Michael Jackson.
She has determined that DouGays tool, a little one at that, only
becomes useful with the use of inappropriate stimulants. The same
inappropriate stimulants that M. J. uses.
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