Twistednuts resumes his DAVE HALL OBSESSION again!
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November 26th 03, 11:12 PM
Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup
Posts: n/a
Twistednuts resumes his DAVE HALL OBSESSION again!
(Twistedhed) wrote:
There is a difference. When N3CVJ says he knows a cber
busted in Philly,
but goes blank on details when questioned, that would be properly
contsrued a lie, and in no way can be interpreted as an opinion, such as
my statement can. Another example may be found in
his statement that he
was intimately familiar with N8's bust. Again, he clammed
up when gently
prodded for details concerning a topic "he" brought to us.
That you seek to infer otherwise illustrates your own agenda.
And this is from a guy who accuses others of being "ate up" with obsession!
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