17 states in 2 hours!
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November 27th 03, 01:39 AM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote:
What a morning! It was great to tag some of you ng regulars out there
today,,,,,,smokin' DX,,,17 states in less than 2 hours,,,coulda done
much better, but the Yukon was in there and everyone and their brother
was trying to tag him on the AM side. Sure was great to hear you guys
today. Hey 102 MN, where the hell were you today, bud? All your neigbors
were in there today for the duration. Upstate New York was pounding in
here today, and I took it to 27, but forgot who it was I was supposed to
be listenng for,,,,that's why I'm called Twisted. Shoot, between Gator
and Charlie (LOL), the 'pile had it locked up...only one Texas station
made it across my pond today and yes, he is a ng reg,,,and he is
loud....not sure if I made it back to him or not! So sorry about
steppin' on the high desert's neck like that, but honestly, I couldn't
hear you and didn't even know you were alive until New Hampshire talked
to you. At that point I was the original sandbagger from days of old,
but it still sounded like he was ghost talking. (shrug) Breakin' the
law, sheriff!
i was trying out a 2510 and had Texas yelling back.
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