Newbie question
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November 28th 03, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Keith Hosman wrote:
On 27 Nov 2003 09:50:22 -0800,
I am looking to buy some 2 way radios for my 4 kids so when we are
camping I can keep tabs on them all... if I buy 3 pairs of radios can
they all communicate together? Will we all be able to hear everyone
else if one of them calls?
Thanks and Happy Turkey Day!
Get a few bubble packs of FRS radios, set them all on same frequency
and same CTCS tone and you'll all be able to communicate within a 2
mile radius. I'd suggest getting identical radios so they'll all be
the same setup steps. you might try the FRS usenet group for
suggestions on which ones are better and easier to setup. thats
good luck on whatever you decide. happy holidays
Ignore Stewart, he doesn't like FRS radios. He'll make you spend more money
to find MURS equipment. While MURS can travel farther, there are other
variables to consider, too much for a short message.
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