November 29th 03, 02:30 AM
"Rec.radio.cb Betterment League" wrote in message ...
From the Wisdom of Dave Hall:
"Twistedhed is skilled at obfuscation, and
changing meanings. Even when one clearly
expresses the point, twisty will instead
focus on the nuances, rather than the
substance of a point.
I learned many years ago that it is impossible to
win a debate or argument with a fool. Like a fool
Twisty's logic changes from post to post just as
his accusations do. As I punch holes in them
he changes.
One of his biggest hangups during one of our earlier altercations, was t
o continually attempt to steer the
focus of the debate from illegal CB operations to
USENET ettiquette. I assume he was attempting to
make the point that "people in glass houses
shouldn't throw rocks".
In any case his comparison was irrelevant
to the debate, but he continued to make an
issue out of it anyway.
One of his tactics is what is called "tit for tat"
which is nothing more than saying,"Well,
what about you?" and "I asked you first."
One cannot make a comment regarding
CB operation, without twisty countering that
"hammies are guilty of XYZ" as well.
Two wrongs still don't make a right, and
neither does a counterpoint diminish the
truth of the original point.
Twisty has no real debate skills. He is incapable
of staying on topic, he seems to have trouble
comprehending simple points and analogies,
while accusing the other party of exactly the same
thing. His "strategy", if you could call it that, is to
twist meanings, obfuscate points, and then
accuse others of "lieing", to put them on the
defensive, while never offering up any bits of
factual information to
prove his side. He claims to speak for the
majority of people, yet I
have never seen anyone jump to his
defense during any of his "debates".
He also has an over inflated ego, and
cannot possibly comprehend how so
many people can find fault with him. To counter that,
he claims that each and every person on the
other side is really just one person
posting under numerous accounts.
He probably thinks that you, me, Aaron,
Frank etc, are all the same person.
He then claims victory when the other side
simply becomes frustrated or
loses interest in pursuing further exchanges.
He is as predictable as
PMS, you can almost tell exactly what posts
he will respond to, and
almost exactly what he will say in response.
I've baited him a few times
just to prove my theory.
He fell, hook, line and sinker.
He reminds me of that old Monty Python skit
where the guy pays for an
arguement, but gets only rote contradiction.
Twisty will counter
anything you say, but can never back
up any of it with fact or even a
good theory.
Which is why he is refered to as the
newsgroup punch clown. He's good to
lash out at if you want to get something off of
your chest, or just want
to do the intellectual equivilent of bitch
slapping. String him along
until you tire of him, and then let him
babble to himself.
But he's not worth the effort to take seriously."
Article poste via Voila News - http://www.news.voila.fr
Le : Fri Nov 28 19:51:56 2003 depuis l'IP : ac997679.ipt.aol.com [VIP 532284301978]
in real life you must be a very pitiful strange man.........