Thread: Bad Neighbor
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Old November 29th 03, 05:45 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In 32, Methuselah Jones

Carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of gw
of make plain:

Methuselah Jones wrote in message
I'm not a CBer, but I'm hoping you folks can help me out. There's
someone who lives near me who I'm guessing is broadcasting with
excessive power (I'm assuming there are regulations concerning that?)
Every time he transmits I pick him up on my TV, radio, cordless phone
and computer speakers and he locks up the cordless mouse on my

To make it works, 99% of the time all he does is whistle, say
"Heeeeeeelllo" or make other weird noises. It gets extremely
irritating having to listen to him.

Is there anything I can do? I've considered seeing if I can find
someone who has a CB I can borrow, find out what channel(s) he's
transmitting on, and ask him politely to knock it off.

Failing that, is there any legal action I can take? Should I report
it he or is that just for Ham

why don't you go talk to him face to face and see what you
can work out

Unfortunately I lack the ability to perceive radio waves directly, and
investing in RDF equipment to locate him would not be practical, nor
would knocking on several hundred prospective doors and asking if they're
broadcasting with excessive power.

Chances are that he lives close, like within a couple hundred feet. If he causes
interference to a cheap portable radio, you can listen while walking up and down
the street, then look for an antenna. If that doesn't work, get in contact with
a local ham club. Someone there will probably be willing to pinpoint the jerk.

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