Thread: Bad Neighbor
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Old November 29th 03, 08:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Yll right,
Our police is to busy chasing another loosing cause like getting all the
drug dealers, and Illegal Mexicans.
Like they why fight them , join them you too can be a CBer.

"mrbrew" wrote in message
Does anyone besides me remember Pres. Clinton signing the bill that
transfered authority to the local police to enforce the cb rules and
regulations? I think it was attatched to the tail of another bill, and it
was one of those all or none deals. If that did indeed happen, then

can record the activity with his VCR, and call the police while it is

on so they can see it for themselves. He may have to dig up documentation

the internet to prove to the police that they do indeed have jurisdiction
over the cb band and it's operators.

"Methuselah Jones" wrote in message
. 97.132...
I'm not a CBer, but I'm hoping you folks can help me out. There's

who lives near me who I'm guessing is broadcasting with excessive power
(I'm assuming there are regulations concerning that?) Every time he
transmits I pick him up on my TV, radio, cordless phone and computer
speakers and he locks up the cordless mouse on my computer.

To make it works, 99% of the time all he does is whistle, say
"Heeeeeeelllo" or make other weird noises. It gets extremely irritating
having to listen to him.

Is there anything I can do? I've considered seeing if I can find someone
who has a CB I can borrow, find out what channel(s) he's transmitting

and ask him politely to knock it off.

Failing that, is there any legal action I can take? Should I report it
he or is that just for Ham radio?

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the
hours! Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and
hack my day so wretchedly into small pieces!"
-- Plautus, 200 BCE