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December 1st 03, 11:22 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
In ,
(Twistedhed) proved yet again that he has no concept of
proper newsgroup quoting by posting the following scrambled, incoherent mess:
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
In , Frank Gilliland
Please excuse the multiple posts -- my server got stuck. -----= Posted
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That happens when you have the need to post via a Milwaukee access while
maintaining you are another.
Milwaukee?!?!? Who do you think I am -this- week,...... Dave?I cause
lids like yourself to be
embarrassed of their past behavior...I apparently shamed you to the
point where you have the need to not only access this group via a paid
It's clear that you still don't understand the
concept of outsourcing:
The only thing clear is your incompetence at presenting anything you
claim, as one can rest assured the complete opposite is usually true,
based on your past lies and efforts you put into telling them, only to
be forced to admit you were lying in the first place. This, despite the
single fan you managed to garner.
Thanks for your support, Dave, but where fanatics are concerned, you rank #1.
Well, another clarity does exist: your lack of knowledge concerning
accoustic properties and history of something you claimed to know
much about (read: amps)
I know more about amps than you could ever hope to learn.
but , much like all your other lies, were forced
abandon due defeat.
Oh, so -that's- why you never replied to my last post on the topic. And here I
thought you were just ignoring the facts. Silly me.
but continue your pathetic lies concerning not only my identity, but
your own as well,,,
Hmmm.... let's see now.... My web page tells
about my experience with Spokane's littering
law, and anybody can access the court record
for verification;
Nah,,,you're the only one ate up with identity, well, to be fair, KC8LDO
and N8WWM and Gillinad have always been concerned with such personals of share a sickness, which is why it is so difficult to tell
you Team Voob members apart. You are all of the same loser status mold.
Whether it is yours or anothers, the derangement exhibited concerning
anonymous usenet posters in an obscure (?) cb forum, is your cross to
carry, Please do not try and drag other forum members down to the level
you have become relegated and accustomed.
My goodness, you sure do get defensive when faced with reality!
all my ISPs have all been locally owned and
operated; I'm at least 50 lbs heavier than
N7VCF, and my posts never stopped while he
was hiking the Cascades; I scanned my old
driver's license..... heck, even Mopar knows
I'm not N7VCF. You must either be really
dense or really paranoid.
LOL,,you're not well, my friend.
Usually am.
Uh-huh. That's why tracer-routes of my posting IP numbers come back to Spokane,
right? Because I'm posting from Issaquah through Milwaukee? Idiot.
And you have a transference issue that you
need to resolve with your imaginary shrink.
I'm not the one "trasferring" : ) an obsession with identity in all my
posts,,,you are. In fact, it's been your MO, despite the challenges you
face in this group, such as not being capable of holding on to an access
To which ISP are you referring? Maybe from Spokane, WA? Or
from Spokane, WA? Or from Spokane, WA? And if you are inferring that I
was bumped from any of them, how about posting any of their responses to your
complaints? We've been through this before, Dave -- they didn't bump me, I
bumped them because the service sucked. And that's what you should do with webtv
if they can't provide a newsgroup browser that allows you to quote properly.
By subscribing to a suck,,er,,I mean, pay-access group JUST to
I tried to educate you about outsourcing but you snipped the links.
illustrates two things right off the bat.. 1) The
importance your ego places on your word being seen and heard by others,
even at a price, and..2) It's your safe access, leaving you free to
create abuse via the throwaways you so value. Don't bother reacting,
'cause we all know it's true. You're the self-admitted (albeit forced)
liar of
My admission was forced? LOL! Check this out, Dave:
-=-=- I am lying. -=-=-
That should keep you and your imaginary shrink busy for a few hours.
It's always been you bringing up the identity issue,,,,,,it's your
manner of compensating for being an absolute nobody. Such is the manner
in which your ego overcompensates for the many dficits you suffer.
Who do you think I am today? : )~
How did you do on the links last weekend,
Why don't you clue us in on your off-topic, , imbecilic endeavor at
uncovering personal information on the one responsible for forcing your
head in the sand?
That comment hurts -so bad- when it comes from someone that has identified me as
five different hams.
In other words,,you tell us. Go on now, run with it,
junior. You've waited a long time for this moment. Are you going to
allow me to rub your nose in your feces further or are you going to "let
me have it" like you claimed so many times? Is this where is "blows up
in my face"? LOL,,,you have no choice in the matter,,,,,you never did
and you are aware of such, it's what made you MADD! LOL! Now what are
you going to do with your new-found information? I'll tell ya' 'nada.
Not a thing. Your impotence demands it,,
You know I like it when you beg, Dave!
besides,,,I won't have
it.....LOL. Now try and remain relevant and on topic. Not all hold me so
important as to make me the topic of their world, life, and posts as you
are so fond of.. Some folks actually have lives and don't care about
internet strangers.
But what would you know about it,,your shame has you too busy trying to
convince the world you're someone other than yourself. That's good
enough for "ol Twist!
Yeah, we all know just what it takes for you to convince yourself of whatever
you want to believe, regardless of the facts. Like your great supernews enigma,
and the irrefutable link you made between the names 'Sparky' and 'Sparks' -- you
must have thought of yourself as some kind of super-genius to post that stuff!
It's really disappointing that you haven't made any more such 'connections'
recently, as they provided a great deal of entertainment.
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