Thread: Bad Neighbor
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Old December 2nd 03, 01:21 AM
Richard Cranium
Posts: n/a

(Georgie-girlBuschWA3MOJ) wrote in message . com...
(Repeaterjammers For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote in message . com...
Methuselah Jones wrote in message .97.132...
I'm not a CBer, but I'm hoping you folks can help me out. There's someone
who lives near me who I'm guessing is broadcasting with excessive power
(I'm assuming there are regulations concerning that?) Every time he
transmits I pick him up on my TV, radio, cordless phone and computer
speakers and he locks up the cordless mouse on my computer.

To make it works, 99% of the time all he does is whistle, say
"Heeeeeeelllo" or make other weird noises.

Your neighbor is Twistedhed. Call the Florida Atty General's Office.

Not to mention call the Oldsmar Citizens Group Against Dick Suckers,
they will picket his house.

Another worthless comment from an alleged Extra class license holder.
Must you always push your homo agenda? If you can't help the guy,
you'd be better off keeping your faggot mouth shut, Georgie-girl!