New song about twathed
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December 2nd 03, 11:33 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
In ,
The mere posting of this shows the authors latent
leanings towards his own perverted wishes.
And just how did you become an expert on the psychology of homosexuality?
Oh, I sorry. I didn't want to step on your toes. I'll refer to you the
next time
How were you stepping on my toes?
You seemed to have a problem with me stating the obvious about DouGay.
Therefore I assumed you were jealous of my response because you wanted
to come out with an explanation before I did.
If that's not the reason for you questioning the accuracy of my
response then what is? Are you saying DouGay post is a normal post
from a normal person?
I never even suggested it. But -you- were saying he must be gay because he
always talks about the subject. Is there some sort of psychological precedent or
research that supports your argument?
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