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Old December 2nd 03, 08:12 PM
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From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)

That's because his name -is- Dave and his

hobby is frisbee golf.

Umm,,,no. Your contact via my ebay purchase knows nothing about me other
than my purchase...LOL. You think I'm the "Mac" man? HAHAHAHHA! Go ahead
ahead and post it, then...LOL. Keep digging,,,,me as your topic has you
off the deep end and I do so enjoy watching you profess your love to me.
Again, since I give you explicit permission to post this "information"
you feel is accurate, you have no reason not to do so,,except, of
course, you are afraid I will laugh and howl at more of your

Yes, he lives in Florida;

Of course I do. Only yourself has ever taken issue with where I reside.
You have debated yourself outloud much to the entertainment of myself
and now have been forced to swallow it, despite your mumblings and
accusations and outright lies.....LOL.

and yes, someone ratted him out. No, I'm not

going to reveal his last name, at least not yet.

Aww,,come on now,,,,,what's the matter? Doesn't match anyhing else?'re chasing your tail further and further down a dark rabbit
hole...LOL,,,but it is great fun to watch the level of importance you
place on me. That I lord over your everyday life and thoughts with so
little effort illustrates Freud was dead on concerning his work and
theories as relating to your sicknesses and psychotic behaviors. That
you remain underground obsessed on my identity reveals the magnitude of
which my presence and mere posts affect you. You have no choice in the
matter,,,you are no longer in control of anything..I took that away from
you long before you were relegated to paying an access fee in order to
have your menstuating, impotent cries heard by an audience of my
choosing. Wah...said the nocode! LOL!

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