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Old December 2nd 03, 11:00 PM
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Default KC8QJP's reputation soiled by N8WWM?

From: (William=A0Wallace)
(Richard Cranium) wrote in
What a dickhead you are craanium you dont know who it is so you blame 2
people LOL you are a putz how is albion?
Let's look at what we do know.

Fact: N8WWM has caused problems in this forum for himself for years.

Fact: KC8QJP, according to the great state of Ohio, is a convicted felon
for tax fraud.

Fact: Her address is the same as N8WWM.

Fact: N8WWM had his clocked cleaned many times in, had
several of ISPs yanked for terminal stupidity, and returned under the
cowardly, but mistaken cloak of pseudo-anonmymity.

Fact: N8WW has harassed many participants of this group by calling them
"felons" for legal behavior.

Fact: His choice of housemates illustrates his love for felons and
felonious behavior. N8WWM hates this country so much he has no problem
when his girlfriend steals from it. Tax fraud is stealing from us law
abiding citizens who work hard and pay our share of taxes. Scumbags like
the aforementioned are parasitical drains, leeches, on society. They are
the lowest of the low. It is of little wonder N8's post are laden with
sexual, preverted, talk. Look at the level of criminal he surrounds
himself with. All his behavior is relative to the world in which he
created for himself and KC8QJP.

Fact: N8WWM has submitted many of our email addresses for spam.

Fact: KC8LDO has vehemently defended N8WWM, his actions, and Kc8LDO even
threatened this group with the return of pron spam if moi didn;t do as
he demanded......LOL. oh yea,,N3CVJ, now on his 5th access to the group
in seven months, also claimed to have intimate knowlege of N8WWM's FCC
bust. Each claimed they had "inside knowledge" of N8's bust, but refuse
to elaborate. Conclusion: Team Densa, er, Team Voob is active once
again....LOL. Must be real cold up there already,,LOL!

Fact: This is one topic that will not go away by you becoming abusive.
This is but the tip of the iceberg and hammies are poised just waiting
for you to step out of line again,,,LOL,,,you're a marked man in the
amateur community,,,,,hahahaha! You're on lifelong probation, mistah,
courtesy of the ENTIRE hammie community.... LOL! Wait 'till the group
finds out WHY Kat was hit so hard by the courts...go on Dogie,,,tell the
group about her priors....since you are so obsessesd on personal lies of
those who illustrate your incompetence...,,,,,, watching
yourself spin down an endless hole.....hyuk!