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Old December 3rd 03, 02:13 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
That's because his name -is- Dave and his

hobby is frisbee golf.

Umm,,,no. Your contact via my ebay purchase knows nothing about me other
than my purchase...LOL. You think I'm the "Mac" man? HAHAHAHHA!

I hadn't thought about checking with ebay,

LOL..stop it,,,,he already contacted me. Your failure at posting the
name confirms just this.

Nobody contacted you, Dave. Quit with the "poor little me the victim" routine
cause it's getting old -- no, it's as stale as an antique gingerbread house.


I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

Cool,,,,knock yourself out,,I'm getting tired of doing it for you...LOL.

So who is this "Mac" man, Dave?

Oh no,,one thing at a time. As usual, you made a claim, now you're
squirming every which way to avoid it. LOL,,,you're a lid,,,LOL,,an
impotent one...c'mon now,,,the name....

Lid? As in 'hammie'? Even with the facts presented to you on a silver platter
you are still pleading ignorance? Nobody can be that dumb, Dave. Give up the act

Is he

another one of your many aliases? LOL!!!

LOL good one, illustrating the importance my life, both online and off,
commands over your drab, empty, failed place my life more
important than your own,,,how touching and wha homage!.

So did you have to kick the kids off the home computer as soon as you got home
this evening? Did you lock the door so nobody else can witness your obsessive
activities in this newsgroup? Did your wife call you to dinner several times
before you could finally tear yourself away from the keyboard? Or did you order
your family a big ol' pizza to secretly atone for your antisocial behavior?

Go ahead
ahead and post it, then...LOL. Keep digging,,,,me as your topic has you
off the deep end and I do so enjoy watching you profess your love to me.
Again, since I give you explicit permission to post this "information"
you feel is accurate, you have no reason not to do so,,except, of
course, you are afraid I will laugh and howl at more of your

Oh yes, I do indeed have a reason not to post

it, Dave. It's a reason that would elude the

likes of yourself. That reason is that I won't be

the cause of harm to you or your family if

someone loonier than yourself decides to use

that information for malicious purposes.

Here's a newsflash: Not one person on this group believes you care what
happens to another. Blow it out your piehole..LOL.

I believe my own values -- that's all that matters. And the only reason I'm
posting this crap to the newsgroup is because you are too chicken**** to take
any discussion to email. So blow it out your own piehole, Dave.

In addition, if you
knew anthing about the law, you would know my giving you explicit
to such absolves you completely,,,then again,,you're an impotent and
confirmed liar.

Your permission means nothing because you are a cartoon character -- you have no
identity, therefore you have no right to authorize the public dissemination of
personal information about anybody. IOW, it sucks to be you.

decision is difficult for you to understand, but

maybe when you grow up you will figure it out.

Stop concerning yourself with me and you won't find such large southern
feet jammed down your throat.

Ain't no southern feet in my house, Dave. And anybody trying to shove their feet
down my throat is going to be walking on stubs the rest of his life.

Yes, he lives in Florida;

Of course I do. Only yourself has ever taken issue with where I reside.
You have debated yourself outloud much to the entertainment of myself
and now have been forced to swallow it, despite your mumblings and
accusations and outright lies.....LOL.

Maybe you should make a list of those alleged
lies, Dave, because I have spoon-fed you

nothing but the truth since day one.

LOL..yea yea,,,,from the claim that I was on mindspring

I don't know that you weren't.

to your claim I
was Roger in WV

to your claim I was Foghorn Leghorn......hahaha! You git
nuthin but more impotence.

I never made such claims. I pointed out coincidences that were on par with your
'supernews' conspiracy and your 'Sparky/Sparks' fiasco. I was ridiculing you,
Dave. Your problem was that you were too stupid to realize it. You are -still-
too stupid to realize it.

and yes, someone ratted him out. No, I'm not

going to reveal his last name, at least not yet.

Aww,,come on now,,,,,what's the matter? Doesn't match anyhing else?'re chasing your tail further and further down a dark rabbit
hole...LOL,,,but it is great fun to watch the level of importance you
place on me. That I lord over your everyday life and thoughts with so
little effort illustrates Freud was dead on concerning his work and
theories as relating to your sicknesses and psychotic behaviors. That
you remain underground obsessed on my identity reveals the magnitude of
which my presence and mere posts affect you. You have no choice in the
matter,,,you are no longer in control of anything..I took that away from
you long before you were relegated to paying an access fee in order to
have your menstuating, impotent cries heard by an audience of my
choosing. Wah...said the nocode! LOL!

Which ham do you think I am today, Dave?


Touche. The room is thundering with laughter, and you're the brunt of
the joke, What makes your ignorance the more entertaining, is you've
been clued in TWICE in the past three days and are just too ignorant and
challenged to grasp what's right in front of you.....LOL..

Frisbee Golf "Dave"

Well, I could have chosen to believe the claims of the first two informants.
Would you believe that two people said you were Jim Hampton? What a hoot!

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