that -dogie -barks
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December 3rd 03, 02:33 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
My goodness you are posting a lot today,
All replies to other posts.
Umm,,you can call me Dave, or you can call me Ray, or you can call me
Jay, but will you call me "Frisbee Golf Dave"? Oh please, it will lend a
certain element to the drama you insist on drowning yourself
And a lot of your replies are long-winded
rants disproportionately larger than the post to
which you are replying.
That's ok,,when I speak you listen intently.
Don't you work for a
When the mood strikes me.
Oh, that's right, you post from work,
.which apparently is yet another concern of yours ......LMAO!
why you only post on weekdays
during working hours. What kind of a job lets
you spend the day trolling a newsgroup,
Dave?'re nervous. And rightly so. You;ve been played like a cheap
fiddle. Nothing in that post is a troll,,,in fact, I have the means,
including emails from IP admins backing up ecactly what I
They don't point to me, Dave. Almost all my posts since day one have my ISP and
my name or nic, and the few that don't are easily identified in the header (not
too many posts from other people with a Spokane ISP in the header). But I don't
think you have any such emails -regardless- of where you claim they lead. Keep
bluffing, Dave -- nobody expects anything more from you than that.
,everything in that post is a fact, and those who are not
challenged, unlike yourself, have no problem confirming the facts of the
matter. In fact, many have been your victims.,,it;s why you can't get no
satisfaction or help with your operandi and hateful one
likes're a lid that deserves the position I made you occupy.
-:][:- snore -:][:-
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